
Term 4 Projects 2010

Themes of projects

Peripherals - Make or significantly modify a device that connects to the computer

Networking - Connecting computers together so they can be used together

CaseMod - Alter the physical case of a computer/monitor to meet visual and functional goals

Create a computer - Do a new version of the Fixing Broken Computers project

Serve the community - Solve a computer based problem for a person or organization in the town/school

Programming  - Learn and use a new computer programming language such as C++, Processing, Java, Python, Scratch, etc.

More project ideas can be seen at this page: http://duxtech.pbworks.com/ProjectMenu 


Personal Accountability

Each day you are in class, you will need to be accountable for the work and learning you are doing. This will be accomplished in several ways.

Daily work logs - These will be similar to the Problem Solving Process sheets we have been using.

Personal folder - Each person will keep a folder with your work in it. This will include notes of the project, designs and information you are gathering.

Collaboration - People may collaborate between projects, but each person is accountable for their own work. Groups larger than two will need permission from Mr. Connors to work together. If a group is not performing adequately, it may be broken up.


Documentation of Projects

As you work on your projects, you will need to create an online record of what you do.

This can include:

Blog postings about what you did in particular aspects of the project

Video showing what you did

Photos of before and after

Instructables demonstrating how you did a process.


Awareness of your project

You should be doing great work and it should show in lots of ways. People should be able to see through your documentation what you have done, and how you have done it. When you take on cool projects, other people can notice it and celebrate it. With this in mind, you should be looking to get your work discovered by a larger audience. Buzz creation is a good habit to have in mind while working on projects, and can often result in a nice portfolio for college admissions or job applications.

Videos - Get as many views of your videos on the project as possible. 1000 hits would be a good number to shoot for. You can easily embed your videos into your blog posts.

Photos - You should set up an account on Flickr or Picasa for posting your photos online. By having your pictures online, you will be able to put them into your blog posts.

Blog buzz - If you do something cool, certain blogs and computer modification sites will pick up on your work if you send them a link. Check out Makezine.com, Hackaday.com, Gizmodo.com and others. See what awesome projects are made by other people and keep this in mind as you do your work.

Local Media - If you can do a great project that gets picked up by the local newspaper or tv, that will help the community see what kind of great stuff you are doing with your projects.


Term 4 Required items

Finished projects and products to demonstrate what you've done and learned.

Blog posts about the project(s) you do

Daily notes about what you have done and accomplished in each period

At least one step by step explanation of how to do something in the area of Building and Repairing Computers

Weekly reflections on the work you've done and what you have learned in class. This will count towards your total blog posting count.


To do today:

Create a list of project ideas that you would like to do in this coming term.

Base your writing on Term4Projects2010

Each person will need to create their own list and hand it in.

When you are complete with this list and it is handed in, you can begin working on finishing up your Fixing Broken Computers project or starting in on a new project.

Write this on your blog and answer these questions:



Your writing should be at least 3-5 paragraphs and include as much detail as possible. Post this on your blog. Use Print Selection to print just your writing and hand it in this period.