

  1. Mr. Hagan and Mr. Riley will let us know what they see and think.
  2. If your panels have any huge problems, you will be expected to remedy them as soon as possible.
  3. The panels will probably remain up until the end of term.
  1. If you are interested in setting up a wiki, speak with Mr. Connors.
  2. Each member of the class would need a unique login
  3. The groups currently on the various parts of the computer would put their work up
  4. Other people in the class can contribute to your or other peoples projects.



  1. Read through the panels
  2. Choose two to comment on
  3. Make a document on your wiki called PartsPanelReview
  4. Offer suggestions for improvement in content
  5. Let them know about any information that was new to you
  6. Print two copies, one to hand in, one to give to the person who did the panel


  1. Fix any major inaccuracies found in the previous item
  2. Make them so that two panels can stand like a sandwichboard
  3. The counters they will be on are 18", so make yours so that it stands 16" at the bottom.


Legacy of the Parts of a computer project

  1. We have collected and presented a bunch of info on the parts of a computer
  2. As you find more info on your subject, update your wiki
  3. We need a class based wiki that we can all edit, kind of like Wikipedia
  4. Any help on creating this wiki would be appreciated and rewarded with extra credit




  1. Make one single print of your documentation
  2. Label the top of the page with your first names and last initial
  3. Print the document two pages per sheet (if you don't know how to do this, ask before you print)
  1. Your audience will be members of the school community. It may be displayed in the library or some other publicly accessible location
  2. Only words you personally wrote should be included in your display
  3. You need to add links to the display, but they need to be simple enough to follow
  4. Include a link to your wiki











Stuff to include:

DO Not Copy text from the websites you find. Make a link to the site and summarize the information you find there. This is not a space filling project, it is a way for you to create something useful.


We will gather the information that you find and build our own knowledge base for use by students in this class now and in the future.


Monitor - BenW MikeD

Sound Card, speaker systems - AndrewO JoeW

Computer Case - Andrew G Timmy K

Pysics Card - Chriswes and James H

Hard Drive - Chad C and Mike W

Cd Drive - Alex M and Steve R

Graphics Card - Jeremiah H and Cam L

Mouse - Robin R and Gretchen U

Floppy disk, disk drive - Jamie M and Zack G

Cooling - cody C and Mike D

Motherboard - Steve L and Nick S

RAM - Matt H TJ P




Operating System


Hard Drive

Graphics Card


Physics Card


Mother Board

CD Drive


DVD Drive

Floppy Drive


Flash Drive

Zip Drive


Network Card

Wireless Network

Local Area Network

Fire Wire




Power Supply


hardware Drivers

software, open source and corporate controlled


Pick a partner

choose 3 best topics

send email to duxtech at with the group names and 3 suggested topics